May 31, 2024
National Black Bear Festival
6:30 PM-9:30 PM
Roanoke River Lighthouse; Plymouth, NC
Over the last couple years, EOP has noticed a few comments from parents indicating that their kids could not attend our events due to sensory concerns. We have talked amongst ourselves as to whether we could ever somehow adjust our experiences to accommodate this need.
EOP recently hired Ali Cheely, a mother of two children with autism. Ali has helped EOP adjust our normal experiences to be sensory friendly. Here is what Ali did. First, she reached out to several parents with children on the autism spectrum and asked what are the biggest concerns in attending events such as festivals. Here were the top 4 responses Ali received:
1) Large Crowds
2) Fast, Flashing Lights
3) Loud Noises & Sounds, especially unexpected
4) Fear of Where They Will Go If There Is A Problem
May 31, 2024
National Black Bear Festival
6:30 PM-9:30 PM
Roanoke River Lighthouse; Plymouth, NC
Over the last couple years, EOP has noticed a few comments from parents indicating that their kids could not attend our events due to sensory concerns. We have talked amongst ourselves as to whether we could ever somehow adjust our experiences to accommodate this need.
EOP recently hired Ali Cheely, a mother of two children with autism. Ali has helped EOP adjust our normal experiences to be sensory friendly. Here is what Ali did. First, she reached out to several parents with children on the autism spectrum and asked what are the biggest concerns in attending events such as festivals. Here were the top 4 responses Ali received:
1) Large Crowds
2) Fast, Flashing Lights
3) Loud Noises & Sounds, especially unexpected
4) Fear of Where They Will Go If There Is A Problem
These concerns would basically eliminate nearly every major event for these families. So we took these concerns and customized an experience that addresses all four of them:
1) We will hold the experience at a different time than the actual festival, typically the day before or after.
2) We will adjust our lights and lasers to gradually change colors and move much slower and deliberately.
3) We will adjust the volume of our music and will avoid all surprise noises.
4) A designated break area zone will be provided.
Our first pilot event is with the Black Bear Festival in Plymouth, NC. While the main festival is Saturday, June 1, our sensory friendly event will take place on May 31 from 6:30-9:30 PM at the Roanoke River Lighthouse on 215 West Water Street.
Here is what to expect:
* Each experience will be have its own zone, allowing parents and caretakers to choose which experiences to participate or watch.
* While all experiences are designed to be sensory friendly, each one will be clearly marked as involving music, lights, water, mess (slime/gunge), and possible small crowds.
* If you or any family members may want to be participate in messy or water activities, please bring appropriate towels and change of clothes.
Planned Zones will begin at 6:30 PM on May 31 and include, but are not limited to:
1) Foam & Water Zone
3) Yard Game Zone
4) The Mess Zone (Gunge/Oobleck)
* We will have options for participants to just use their hands to play with the gunge/oobleck. If the participants wish to "gunge" someone, they will have that opportunity!
5) Break Area Zone
The event will conclude with night time activities, including a a sensory friendly Glow in the Dark party with appropriate laser effects. We anticipate ending between 9:30-10:00 PM.
We would like to thank Tom Harrison and the entire crew at the Black Bear Festival for giving us the opportunity to run this pilot event. It will be the first time that EOP is organizing a sensory friendly event. Your feedback, both positive and constructive, will be invaluable to us so that we can continue to grow and plan more events like this in the future.
1) We will hold the experience at a different time than the actual festival, typically the day before or after.
2) We will adjust our lights and lasers to gradually change colors and move much slower and deliberately.
3) We will adjust the volume of our music and will avoid all surprise noises.
4) A designated break area zone will be provided.
Our first pilot event is with the Black Bear Festival in Plymouth, NC. While the main festival is Saturday, June 1, our sensory friendly event will take place on May 31 from 6:30-9:30 PM at the Roanoke River Lighthouse on 215 West Water Street.
Here is what to expect:
* Each experience will be have its own zone, allowing parents and caretakers to choose which experiences to participate or watch.
* While all experiences are designed to be sensory friendly, each one will be clearly marked as involving music, lights, water, mess (slime/gunge), and possible small crowds.
* If you or any family members may want to be participate in messy or water activities, please bring appropriate towels and change of clothes.
Planned Zones will begin at 6:30 PM on May 31 and include, but are not limited to:
1) Foam & Water Zone
3) Yard Game Zone
4) The Mess Zone (Gunge/Oobleck)
* We will have options for participants to just use their hands to play with the gunge/oobleck. If the participants wish to "gunge" someone, they will have that opportunity!
5) Break Area Zone
The event will conclude with night time activities, including a a sensory friendly Glow in the Dark party with appropriate laser effects. We anticipate ending between 9:30-10:00 PM.
We would like to thank Tom Harrison and the entire crew at the Black Bear Festival for giving us the opportunity to run this pilot event. It will be the first time that EOP is organizing a sensory friendly event. Your feedback, both positive and constructive, will be invaluable to us so that we can continue to grow and plan more events like this in the future.